import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')

birddata = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\ashish\\Work\\Case_Studies\\Bird Migration\\bird_tracking.csv", index_col=0)
altitude date_time device_info_serial direction latitude longitude speed_2d bird_name
0 71 2013-08-15 00:18:08+00 851 -150.469753 49.419860 2.120733 0.150000 Eric
1 68 2013-08-15 00:48:07+00 851 -136.151141 49.419880 2.120746 2.438360 Eric
2 68 2013-08-15 01:17:58+00 851 160.797477 49.420310 2.120885 0.596657 Eric
3 73 2013-08-15 01:47:51+00 851 32.769360 49.420359 2.120859 0.310161 Eric
4 69 2013-08-15 02:17:42+00 851 45.191230 49.420331 2.120887 0.193132 Eric
<bound method of        altitude               date_time  device_info_serial   direction  \
0            71  2013-08-15 00:18:08+00                 851 -150.469753   
1            68  2013-08-15 00:48:07+00                 851 -136.151141   
2            68  2013-08-15 01:17:58+00                 851  160.797477   
3            73  2013-08-15 01:47:51+00                 851   32.769360   
4            69  2013-08-15 02:17:42+00                 851   45.191230   
...         ...                     ...                 ...         ...   
61915        11  2014-04-30 22:00:08+00                 833   45.448157   
61916         6  2014-04-30 22:29:57+00                 833 -112.073055   
61917         5  2014-04-30 22:59:52+00                 833   69.989037   
61918        16  2014-04-30 23:29:43+00                 833   88.376373   
61919         9  2014-04-30 23:59:34+00                 833  149.949008   

        latitude  longitude  speed_2d bird_name  
0      49.419860   2.120733  0.150000      Eric  
1      49.419880   2.120746  2.438360      Eric  
2      49.420310   2.120885  0.596657      Eric  
3      49.420359   2.120859  0.310161      Eric  
4      49.420331   2.120887  0.193132      Eric  
...          ...        ...       ...       ...  
61915  51.352572   3.177151  0.208087     Sanne  
61916  51.352585   3.177144  1.522662     Sanne  
61917  51.352622   3.177257  3.120545     Sanne  
61918  51.354641   3.181509  0.592115     Sanne  
61919  51.354474   3.181057  0.485489     Sanne  

[61920 rows x 8 columns]>
altitude date_time device_info_serial direction latitude longitude speed_2d bird_name
61915 11 2014-04-30 22:00:08+00 833 45.448157 51.352572 3.177151 0.208087 Sanne
61916 6 2014-04-30 22:29:57+00 833 -112.073055 51.352585 3.177144 1.522662 Sanne
61917 5 2014-04-30 22:59:52+00 833 69.989037 51.352622 3.177257 3.120545 Sanne
61918 16 2014-04-30 23:29:43+00 833 88.376373 51.354641 3.181509 0.592115 Sanne
61919 9 2014-04-30 23:59:34+00 833 149.949008 51.354474 3.181057 0.485489 Sanne

The data consists of almost 62,000 data points and 9 features or columns

Nico     21121
Sanne    21004
Eric     19795
Name: bird_name, dtype: int64

There are 3 types of birds in our dataset, named Nico, Sanne, Eric

Linear estimation - because the earth is not flat - of flight trajectory of bird migration of a particular bird "Eric". The trajectory will be substantially distorted because we have not done any Cartographic Projection of the flight trajectory.

This plot is just to get a rought look at the flight trajectory of a bird

ind = birddata.bird_name == "Eric"
x, y = birddata.longitude[ind], birddata.latitude[ind]
plt.plot(x, y, "o", ms=2)
plt.title("Eric flight trajectory")

Let's plot the flight trajectory for all of three birds

birds = birddata.bird_name.unique()
for bird in birds:
    ind = birddata.bird_name == bird
    x, y = birddata.longitude[ind], birddata.latitude[ind]
    plt.plot(x, y, "o", ms=2, label=bird)
plt.title("Birds flight trajectory")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")

To further proceed, we would like to chech if our data consists of missing values and handle them accordingly We'll be using sklearn for the preprocessing of the data and handling the missing values

altitude                0
date_time               0
device_info_serial      0
direction             443
latitude                0
longitude               0
speed_2d              443
bird_name               0
dtype: int64

Two columns direction and speed_2d consists of same no. of missing values but for direction column mean is not an appropriate approximation. Therefor we'll first impute speed_2d with mean and then we'll use n_neighbours strategy for imputation of direction

from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer, KNNImputer
# default args are what we want i.e. missing_values=nan, strategy='mean'
imputer = SimpleImputer()
birddata["speed_2d"] = imputer.fit_transform(birddata[['speed_2d']])
altitude                0
date_time               0
device_info_serial      0
direction             443
latitude                0
longitude               0
speed_2d                0
bird_name               0
dtype: int64

Let's impute the direction column with default args

imputer = KNNImputer()[:, 'direction':'speed_2d'])
birddata.loc[:, 'direction':'speed_2d'] = imputer.transform(birddata.loc[:, 'direction':'speed_2d'])
altitude date_time device_info_serial direction latitude longitude speed_2d bird_name
61915 11 2014-04-30 22:00:08+00 833 45.448157 51.352572 3.177151 0.208087 Sanne
61916 6 2014-04-30 22:29:57+00 833 -112.073055 51.352585 3.177144 1.522662 Sanne
61917 5 2014-04-30 22:59:52+00 833 69.989037 51.352622 3.177257 3.120545 Sanne
61918 16 2014-04-30 23:29:43+00 833 88.376373 51.354641 3.181509 0.592115 Sanne
61919 9 2014-04-30 23:59:34+00 833 149.949008 51.354474 3.181057 0.485489 Sanne

Ommit the last row as it's unnecessarily introduced into the dataset.

birddata = birddata.iloc[:-1, :]
altitude date_time device_info_serial direction latitude longitude speed_2d bird_name
61914 -10 2014-04-30 21:29:45+00 833 -10.057916 51.352661 3.177122 5.531148 Sanne
61915 11 2014-04-30 22:00:08+00 833 45.448157 51.352572 3.177151 0.208087 Sanne
61916 6 2014-04-30 22:29:57+00 833 -112.073055 51.352585 3.177144 1.522662 Sanne
61917 5 2014-04-30 22:59:52+00 833 69.989037 51.352622 3.177257 3.120545 Sanne
61918 16 2014-04-30 23:29:43+00 833 88.376373 51.354641 3.181509 0.592115 Sanne
altitude              0
date_time             0
device_info_serial    0
direction             0
latitude              0
longitude             0
speed_2d              0
bird_name             0
dtype: int64

Let's try plotting a histogram of speed_2d for a particular bird Eric

speed = birddata.speed_2d[ind]
plt.hist(speed, bins=np.linspace(0,30,20), density=True)
plt.title("Eric 2D speed Histogram")
plt.xlabel("Speed (m/s)")

Notice that in our dataset we have a column that consists of datetime, so lets check what is the datatype of this column

'2013-08-15 00:18:08+00'

datetime in our dataset is in str format and to be able to perform computation - computing time interval between two data points - on datetime we would like it convert to a datetime object

import datetime as dt
# remove '+00 from the strings as the time is already in UTC'
timestamps = birddata.date_time
timestamps = [stamp[:-3] for stamp in timestamps]
['2013-08-15 00:18:08', '2013-08-15 00:48:07', '2013-08-15 01:17:58']
timestamps = list(map(lambda str_stamp: dt.datetime.strptime(
    str_stamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), timestamps))
birddata["timestamp"] = pd.Series(timestamps, index=birddata.index)
<ipython-input-60-c00b406e24ba>:1: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  birddata["timestamp"] = pd.Series(timestamps, index=birddata.index)
altitude date_time device_info_serial direction latitude longitude speed_2d bird_name timestamp
61914 -10 2014-04-30 21:29:45+00 833 -10.057916 51.352661 3.177122 5.531148 Sanne 2014-04-30 21:29:45
61915 11 2014-04-30 22:00:08+00 833 45.448157 51.352572 3.177151 0.208087 Sanne 2014-04-30 22:00:08
61916 6 2014-04-30 22:29:57+00 833 -112.073055 51.352585 3.177144 1.522662 Sanne 2014-04-30 22:29:57
61917 5 2014-04-30 22:59:52+00 833 69.989037 51.352622 3.177257 3.120545 Sanne 2014-04-30 22:59:52
61918 16 2014-04-30 23:29:43+00 833 88.376373 51.354641 3.181509 0.592115 Sanne 2014-04-30 23:29:43
Timestamp('2013-08-15 00:18:08')
birddata.timestamp[4] - birddata.timestamp[3]
Timedelta('0 days 00:29:51')

Now that we have our timestamp in place, we'd like to see how often or when the data was collected in the process. Also for this we'll limit ourselves to Eric

times = birddata.timestamp[birddata.bird_name == "Eric"]
elapsed_time = [time - times[0] for time in times]
plt.plot(np.array(elapsed_time) / dt.timedelta(days=1))
plt.ylabel("Elapsed Time")
plt.title("Elapsed time for Eric")

Our next goal is to find when does "Eric" migrate. To achieve that we'll plot the daily mean speed of Eric. The data is recorded unevenly i.e. on some days data was collected more times and some days it was collected less no. of times. We'll start by getting indices of speed_2d that were collected on the same day and then take mean of those speeds, followed by plotting them to see if there's any pattern.

data = birddata[birddata.bird_name == "Eric"]
elapsed_days = np.array(elapsed_time) / dt.timedelta(days=1)
daily_mean_speed = []
next_day = 1
inds = []
for i,t in enumerate(elapsed_days):
    if t < next_day:
        next_day += 1
        inds = []
plt.ylabel("Speed (m/s)")
plt.title("Eric Daily Mean Speed")

Migration Pattern

from the 2D-Speed of Eric it can be argued that during days 90 - 100 and 230 - 240, speed of Eric was significantly higher than other days. So it can be said that Eric migrated during those days. To corroborate our beliefs about the migration we would like to look at the place at which Eric ended up during those days.

Cartographic Projection using Cartopy

Earlier we tried plotting migration pattern of birds but it was not quite what we were looking for because it was not a cartographic projection. So now we'll use Cartopy for cartographic projection of flight patterns of the birds.

import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature

proj = ccrs.Mercator()

ax = plt.axes(projection=proj)
ax.set_extent((-25.0, 20.0, 52.0, 10.0))
ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, linestyle=':', alpha = 0.95)

for bird in birds:
    ix = birddata["bird_name"] == bird
    x, y = birddata.longitude[ix], birddata.latitude[ix]
    ax.plot(x,y, '.', transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), label=bird)
plt.legend(loc="upper left")

Analysis for each bird

We'll now group the data by bird_name to get the average 2D speed of the birds

data = birddata.groupby('bird_name')
names = pd.Series(birds, name="Bird Name")
mean_speeds = data.speed_2d.mean()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Bird Name
Eric 19795.0 2.301654 3.558977 0.0 0.344819 1.012719 2.511553 63.488066
Nico 21121.0 2.906855 3.726812 0.0 0.490408 1.560000 3.701148 48.381510
Sanne 21003.0 2.451794 3.366275 0.0 0.411096 1.174564 2.823376 57.201748
mean_altitudes = data.altitude.mean()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Bird Name
Eric 19795.0 60.249406 115.333013 -830.0 7.0 26.0 106.0 4808.0
Nico 21121.0 67.900478 153.498842 -965.0 2.0 16.0 112.0 6965.0
Sanne 21003.0 29.160882 133.453211 -1010.0 1.0 8.0 22.0 6145.0

Mean Altitude at each day

We'll now group our data by each date to get the mean altitude of each day

birddata.date_time = pd.to_datetime(birddata.date_time)
birddata["date"] =
grouped_bydates = birddata.groupby("date")
mean_altitudes_perday = grouped_bydates.altitude.mean()
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  self[name] = value
<ipython-input-70-975ec523ff9b>:3: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  birddata["date"] =
2013-08-15    134.092000
2013-08-16    134.839506
2013-08-17    147.439024
2013-08-18    129.608163
2013-08-19    180.174797
2014-04-26     15.118012
2014-04-27     23.897297
2014-04-28     37.716867
2014-04-29     19.244792
2014-04-30     13.982857
Name: altitude, Length: 259, dtype: float64
grouped_birdday = birddata.groupby(["bird_name", "date"])
mean_altitudes_perday = grouped_birdday.altitude.mean()

bird_name  date      
Eric       2013-08-15     74.988095
           2013-08-16    127.773810
           2013-08-17    125.890244
           2013-08-18    121.353659
           2013-08-19    134.928571
Name: altitude, dtype: float64
eric_daily_speed  = grouped_birdday.speed_2d.mean()["Eric"]
sanne_daily_speed = grouped_birdday.speed_2d.mean()["Sanne"]
nico_daily_speed  = grouped_birdday.speed_2d.mean()["Nico"]

plt.ylabel("Mean 2D Speed (m/s)")
plt.title("Mean 2D Speeds")
plt.legend(loc="upper left")